Tony Thompson on NAMMBA Connect 2021 and Impacting the Future Generation

Tony Thompson on NAMMBA Connect 2021 and Impacting the Future Generation

Episode #120 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles hosts Toni Thompson, founder of the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA). In this episode, you will hear why YOU must be a part of this 2 day conference. NAMMBA CONNECT is not just an event, it is an experience designed t connect you with industry stakeholders, world-class trainers, and peers from across the country. These events are designed to provide training, education and professional development to anyone in the real estate finance industry. Click the link to get registered In addition, you will hear how Tony is leading the charge to impact the future generation of lenders through education and training.

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Steve Kyles on Closing More Loans With Less Leads

Steve Kyles on Closing More Loans With Less Leads

Episode #119 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles shares scripts that will increase the conversion rate of the amount of leads that you already have. We’ve all heard the saying “More leads solves all problems”, but Steve has uncovered that this is not the truth. You will find that these scripts, if applied, will help you convert EVEN MORE of the leads you currently have.

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Michelle Anderson on How to Create a Sales Centric Culture

Michelle Anderson on How to Create a Sales Centric Culture

Episode #118 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles hosts Michelle Anderson, who is an operational guru, running a 1.7 billion dollar branch, culture queen of operational and sales culture, and dynamic leader. You will gather practical examples of how Michelle leads her branch. Topics included in this episode are sales and operations must work together, people work hard for gratitude and recognition, importance of keeping a pulse on company culture, taking surveys, and building great community and culture.

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Frank Garay on Opportunities to Innovate, Relentless Consistency, and Growth in Community

Frank Garay on Opportunities to Innovate, Relentless Consistency, and Growth in Community

Episode #116 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles hosts Frank Garay, a veteran and fast friend in the mortgage industry. This episode is full of fun and nuggets to help you grow your business. Frank discusses points of pain that turned into opportunities for innovation, relentless consistency to see things through, and the importance of joining the right community that will force you to grow.

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Steve Kyles and Carl White on Finding The Right “Who” That Brings The “How”

Steve Kyles and Carl White on Finding The Right “Who” That Brings The “How”

Episode #115 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

We repurpose an episode of Steve Kyles‘ and Carl White‘s new podcast, Loan Officer Unplugged. Finding the right “who” that brings the “how” is an essential key to ramping up your mortgage business. 

Tune in to the casual conversation had by Steve Kyles and Carl White on Loan Officer Unplugged as they continue to bring you ideas on how to close more loans in less time. 

This episode guides you through the hiring thought process and who and how to articulate what exactly this person will be responsible for. You’ll want to know if this person will be a good fit for your goals and Steve and Carl share how to look for just that. Be ready to seek the who that brings the how after these two top branch managers inspire you to build the right team for productive results. 

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Ralph Watkins on The Triad of Awesomeness, Risks of being Distracted or Under-helped, & How to Finish 2021 Strong

Ralph Watkins on The Triad of Awesomeness, Risks of being Distracted or Under-helped, & How to Finish 2021 Strong

Episode #114 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles hosts Ralph Watkins, Coolness Accelerator and Mortgage Coach at The Marketing Animals. Ralph helps LOs change their lives by eliminating stress while guiding them to the financial and time freedom that create the balance to enjoy their families, friends and activities that bring them purpose and fulfillment.

Ralph is a national speaker on strategies to optimize your organization and build or strengthen partner relationships to grow your business. Topics in this episode cover the triad of awesomeness, the risks of being distracted, under-helped, or inactive, and what your need to do as an LO to finish 2021 strong.

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How to Gain Market Share in Your Community

How to Gain Market Share in Your Community

Episode #113 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles hosts Jen Conley on the podcast to talk about all things on how to grow your influence and gain market share. Jan gives insight on how to grow your influence and awareness to increase your lead count and conversion and how to do so through radio and television. Tactics shared in this episode are applicable to your market and include conveying your message effectively, maintaining relationships and building trust, and leading your team with encouragement.

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Social Media, Leadership, and Podcasting to Amplify Your Voice

Social Media, Leadership, and Podcasting to Amplify Your Voice

Episode #112 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

We repurpose an episode where Steve Kyles joins Kyle Draper for a conversation on the Social Media Mindset Podcast. Kyle Draper is a top tier social media coach and national speaker who helps mortgage, real estate, and other professionals amplify their voice and influence. In this episode, Steve and Kyle share a conversation over social media, leadership, podcasting to amplify your voice, and many more topics.

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Robert Fillyaw on Tactics and Processes to Grow Your Business to the Next Level

Robert Fillyaw on Tactics and Processes to Grow Your Business to the Next Level

Episode #111 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles shares a candid conversation with Robert Fillyaw, Leader and Coach at the Freedom Club and Branch manager whose branch has closed over 200 loans in a single month. In this podcast, we hope you’ll learn how to close more loans in less time and in this episode, Robert shares many tactics and process to help you accomplish the goals that you have for your work-life balance and business. Topics to look forward to in this episode are adding to your capacity by hiring the right partners, becoming a rainmaker, and helping others grow to the next level.

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Toni Taylor: 3 Strategies for the Right Mindset and Growing your Business

Toni Taylor: 3 Strategies for the Right Mindset and Growing your Business

Episode #110 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles interviews Toni Taylor, to discuss 3 Strategies for the Right Mindset. You will learn the importance of not quitting and staying tethered to the right group of people. Some topics discussed in this episode include becoming conscious about the internal dialogue, allowing peers to speak into you to help you build confidence, analyzing what you allow yourself to consumer, and many more valuable topics.

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Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting,

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