130. ‘Just Ask’ – A Highly Effective Strategy

Episode #130 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

The top podcast for loan officers looking to better structure their business, Steve Kyles and Mike Cardascia continue their series on how to put the Daily Success Plan into motion.

This episode clarifies what Tuesday is all about. At Mortgage Marketing Animals, we call this strategy ‘Just Ask’, which is used to give all parties in the loan transaction updates with a simple, yet highly effective form of communication – talking. You are a welcoming form of communication that they want to hear from. It shows them that you care about the level of expertise you are providing for both them and their clients. This leads to an open dialogue for you to JUST ASK.  

Find out in this episode what magic questions are proven to get 30% more business on top of your continued growth if this is done correctly and consistently.

Want the script to put this into action? Go to FreedomPlanningCall.com and we will help you put this plan into place for you. 

129. What Actions Get the Right Results For My Business?

Episode #129 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Have you ever asked yourself “what actions get the right results for my business?” On this episode of Loan Officer Leadership, your host Steve Kyles is joined by top mortgage marketing strategist, Mike Cardascia from The Mortgage Marketing Animals. 

Steve and Mike continue the conversation in mapping out the Daily Success Plan for you, one step at a time. They lay out the foundation and actions you need to be doing consistently to learn how to classify the levels of realtors and use the right scripts to align with each. 

Schedule here for a FREE call so we can go over your detailed plan to scale your business.

127. Words Are More Powerful Than You Know

Episode #127 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Your host, Steve Kyles is joined by Mike Cardascia, a lead strategist with The Mortgage Marketing Animals, who specializes in mapping out calculated plans for the success of loan officers.

Steve and Mike go back and forth on step-by-step wording that the loan officer can frame for the conversation leading to a more positive response.

Having a successful mortgage business is all about building meaningful connections creating long-lasting relationships.

The simple shifting of your words could provide a completely different way someone receives your delivery, ultimately creating a different response.
If you’re ready to map out your 90-day plan on a complimentary strategy call, visit www.FreedomPlanningCall.com today!

126. “Creating Your Dashboard – 6 Benchmarks to Measure That Help You Transition from An Operator to A Business Owner”

Episode #126 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Your host Steve Kyles, chats with Doug Cadaret, a mortgage coach with Mortgage Marketing Animals, as they drill down the 6 measurables in your business. 

You’ll learn how to become a business owner and not an operator. 

If you’re not measuring what is working, how will you replicate it and forecast your next steps for the future of your business? Steve and Doug stress the concept that your business processes should be referable, predictable, and consistent. Here is how they show you how to increase profitability and structure the process. 

  • What’s your profit on each loan?
  • How many loans are you closing in a sliding 90-day window?
  • What is the number of referrals each month?
  • What is the conversion rate?
  • How many days prior to funding are you getting the CTC from underwriting?
  • Setting a CCR standard of 30% referral before client closes out  

Connect with us one on one for your complimentary strategy call and learn how you can start measuring your business and processes for success. Click here to schedule.

125. Part 2 – Healthy Structure for A Successful Business

Part 2 – Healthy Structure for A Successful Business

Episode #125 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Have you let your business consume you? On this episode of Loan Officer Leadership, the most value packed podcast for Loan Officers today, your host Steve Kyles, is joined by mortgage industry influencer Frank Garay as they share stories of loan officers that have struggled in a consuming business leading to a breakdown of their home life. 

Listen in to hear the coaching tips they provide on how to target the areas of your business that need the focus most to lay out a clear and concise plan to structure properly. 

Learn how to remove the mindset that more success is had by working more hours and refocus on doing the correct things to make your business scalable and the processes replicable. 

In the words of Steve, “more success does not equate to more hours.”

Connect with us 1:1 today and we will show you how to create a replicable plan for your work/life balance. Complimentary Strategy Call.

Visit FreedomPlanningCall.com for more info.

Healthy Structure for A Successful Business

Healthy Structure for A Successful Business

Episode #124 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

A must-listen podcast for loan officers nationwide, your host Steve Kyles is joined by a good friend and colleague, Frank Garay, who is heading up an exciting new zoom meeting open to all Loan Officers throughout the country.

Frank explains how valuable the insight is for loan originators to listen and interact with others on what is working in today’s mortgage industry. This is a distance race in the mortgage industry and linking arms with successful leaders will take you further in your own business. Join Loan Officer Breakfast Club today <free>

Tune in to hear Steve and Frank share how excellent structure allows the ability to easily replicate and reproduce exceptional results regardless of the personality, skill, talent, and charisma.

If you want to learn more about how to structure your business for easily, replicate growth, connect with us 1 on 1 for a complimentary strategy call. Schedule here.

Cultivating Authentic Relationships

Cultivating Authentic Relationships

Episode #123 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Your host Steve Kyles is joined by guest, Cody Heard, a Freedom Club member who has mastered the art of running a business that lines up with his life mission and purpose.

Cody shares with us how he built the business he has now by finally letting go of control and allowing his team to shine in areas where they excel. This leads to more productive transactions, in turn freeing up his time to nurture and focus on the relationships with agents.

When we invest time in understanding our client’s and agents’ interests, we can build upon that relationship, leading to consistent referrals. From homemade piggy banks to banana earring that represented a story to a client, you’ll hear ways you too can connect with clients and agents on a level that leaves a lasting impression.

If you’re interested in learning more about the strategies behind this success, connect with us one-on-one by scheduling a complimentary call here.

Gaining a Consistent Process for Consistent Results

Gaining a Consistent Process for Consistent Results

Episode #122 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

On this interactive episode of Loan Officer Leadership, the most resourceful podcast in the country for loan officers, Steve Kyles is joined by several loan officers for an informative class.

Steve runs through the actions to gain a solid process in your mortgage business from step one of marketing, through the sales fulfillment and operations stages, all the way into finance.

This episode is filled with easy-to-follow methods of how to clearly put a workable process in place so that the consistency leads to the same successful results, no matter who is sitting at the desk that day.

If you are looking for ways to improve your sales process, you can schedule a complimentary one on one call here and we will map that out for you.

Chris Johnstone on Growing Your Business in the Digital Space

Chris Johnstone on Growing Your Business in the Digital Space

Episode #121 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles hosts Chris Johnstone, expert of the digital marketing space, speaker, consultant and an avid builder of Online Marketing Systems that get results. In this episode, you will hear how Chris is helping mortgage professionals around the world develop and grow their presence in the digital space. Some topics included in this episode are the importance on reviews and testimonials, reaching out to pre-approved and lookings, tips for running facebook ads and campaigns, and how to build recency in order to build trust.

Be sure to check out https://www.businessmarketingclass.com/

Join the Loan Officer Leadership Facebook Group Here!

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

Powered by Mortgage Marketing Animals.

Tony Thompson on NAMMBA Connect 2021 and Impacting the Future Generation

Tony Thompson on NAMMBA Connect 2021 and Impacting the Future Generation

Episode #120 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve Kyles hosts Toni Thompson, founder of the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA). In this episode, you will hear why YOU must be a part of this 2 day conference. NAMMBA CONNECT is not just an event, it is an experience designed t connect you with industry stakeholders, world-class trainers, and peers from across the country. These events are designed to provide training, education and professional development to anyone in the real estate finance industry. Click the link to get registered www.nammba.org. In addition, you will hear how Tony is leading the charge to impact the future generation of lenders through education and training.

Join the Loan Officer Leadership Facebook Group Here!

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

Powered by Mortgage Marketing Animals.