Important strategies to make 2021 your best year yet

Important strategies to make 2021 your best year yet

Episode # 86– “Successful people do consistently what ordinary people do occasionally.”

In this episode, Steve discusses what you should be doing the rest of 2020 to make January 2021 your best month ever.

The strategies in this episode will center your focus for what’s important and get you back to creating strong habits and crushing your daily disciplines.

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Tips to Fill the Gap in 2021

Tips to Fill the Gap in 2021

Episode #87 – The question we want you to answer is, “What are you going to do in 2021 to fill the gap?”.

We’ve learned that making gains on your business doesn’t just happen. In fact, if you don’t double down on what’s working in your business or pivot where you’re losing, you won’t see the growth that you anticipate.

In this episode, Steve Kyles gives you gap-fillers to help you grow in 2021.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting,

Opportunities to Serve in 2021 with David Childers

Opportunities to Serve in 2021 with David Childers

Episode #88 – Steve Kyles interviews David Childers, VP of Content and Marketing at Keeping Current Matters. Childers is a 20 year veteran in the real estate industry. His focus has been to help real estate professionals become trusted advisors through education.

In this episode, Childers shares his story, talks Keeping Current Matters and discusses the opportunities he’s seeing to serve clients and partners in the new year.

Keeping Current Matters is a content curation resource for real estate professionals to become the trusted advisor.

With KCM, your receive relevant market opinions, based on fact, so that you can change the way you serve your real estate clients.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting,

Mastering The Basics

Mastering The Basics

Episode #90 – In this episode, Steve Kyles takes our previous episode to the next level. Now Steve shares with us on how to Master The Basics.

He encourages you to find your ONE THING, ONE WORD, and your WHY and finally, discusses building your 4 pillars.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting,

Building Your VIP Lists

Building Your VIP Lists

Episode #91 – In this episode, Steve Kyles discusses how to build your sphere of influence through the refining of your VIP list.

The quality of your VIP lists will determine, in part, your success in 2021. When you pair a quality sphere of influence with focused initiatives, you will begin to catapult your business into growth this year.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting,

Small Details, Big Difference

Small Details, Big Difference

Episode #92 – In this episode, Steve Kyles discusses some important details for your business.

Things that you do or say on a daily basis can seem insignificant at times, however, through these business hacks and scripts, you will begin to tighten up your every day details.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting,

Top 3 Strategies from 90+ Million Dollar Producer, Adam Dellemonico

Top 3 Strategies from 90+ Million Dollar Producer, Adam Dellemonico

Episode #93 – In this episode, Steve Kyles interviews Adam Dellemonico to discuss strategy for growth in your business. This is Adam’s 4th year in the business and in episode 039, Steve Kyles interviewed Dellemonico on his top 3 strategies as a 42 Million Dollar Producer.

In today’s episode, Adam shares how he has scaled his business and gives us 3 strategies that he used to scale his business.

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The Heart of the Matter (Promotion comes from the Field)

The Heart of the Matter (Promotion comes from the Field)

Episode #94 – In this episode, Steve Kyles talks about the heart of the matter. Life can be challenging and business alike.

That’s why it’s important to keep your ‘why’ in mind. Steve compares the story of David to us to reveal the principles that got David from the field to the palace. This episode will uncover principles you can apply to your life and business.

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Scripts: Stop losing business to rate shoppers

Scripts: Stop losing business to rate shoppers

Episode #96 – Stop losing loans and business to online lenders. In this Podcast, Steve Kyles and Jolea Nealy share power scripts to ensure you keep the business. This episode is a must for Mortgage Loan Officers.

Learn how to: effectively close for the business, get clients to commit upfront, sell value and the importance of staying committed in order to have a competitive advantage in today’s real estate environment.

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