141. Overcoming Life Challenges to Go from $0-$1M Within 3 Years

On this episode of Loan Officer Leadership, your host Steve Kyles, is joined at a recent Freedom Club event by Greg Morga, who went from $0 – $1 Million in W2 income within 3 years by running the play…and so can YOU.

Greg shares quite the personal story behind his steps up the ladder as a loan officer. 

Like many of us, life isn’t always a rose garden at times. As he explains in his motivating story, it’s what you do with those thorns in the journey and how you use them to better yourself. 

Listen in to how Greg overcame such a challenging time in his life and is now thriving in his mortgage business as well as having become such a valued family member of the Freedom Club.

Schedule your free loan officer coaching call to learn more about the Freedom Club.

140. Journey to the Freedom Club

On this episode of Loan Officer Leadership, Steve Kyles and Carl White bring Sue Gold up to speak at a Freedom Club event where she shares her story of how she grew 220% in 2 years, going from $18 million to $40 million. Sue is an inspiring Loan Officer that shares her story of how joining the Freedom Club has transformed her business.

Invest in YOURSELF – You’re the prize…

Listen to what loan officers in the Freedom Club believe

What Successful Loan Officers Believe | Loan Officer Freedom

Ready to change your perspective and get the coaching you need to start building blocks with consistency? Schedule a FREE loan officer coaching call here.

139. Enjoying Growth With More Freedom

In this episode of Loan Officer Leadership, your host Steve Kyles, is joined by Freedom Club member Rene Jacques. Rene is a $100M producer who knew that he needed a solid plan in his business in order to move to a higher level. 

Now, he is enjoying growth with much more freedom.

Tune in to hear Rene bring you through his team’s process to WOW the referral partner and win even more business. Along with the process, he gives you insight into the team philosophy of what needs to be done and how to do it. 

Let’s map out a plan for your business on a FREE coaching call here.

138. Leadership Skills In Any Role with guest host Frank Garay and Laura Brandao

Listen in to this bonus episode of Loan Officer Leadership where guest host Frank Garay sits in with Laura Brandao as they explain how you can still incorporate leadership skills even if you aren’t a branch manager. Learn more how you can become the leader in your mortgage business by joining Frank and other top producers on The Loan Officer Breakfast Club every Monday through Thursday at 8:30am. Sign up here….

137. Goldmine of Opportunity

In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Who gets the most business? Well, quite simply, it’s the people that ask for it. In this episode of Loan Officer Leadership, Steve Kyles is joined by Frank Garay, an inspiring leader in the mortgage industry.

Learn how to utilize the database you have built with the leads that have not converted. There are always reasons why people don’t move forward and it’s our job as loan officers to figure that out and plan our approach accordingly. Maintaining relationships and consistent communication can play a part in converting more of these leads we currently have.

There’s a huge opportunity here with a large database of leads that have family, friends, and co-workers.

Don’t let what Steve calls “long money” keep you from taking action that has a future result.

Learn more tips, tricks, and 90-day plans by connecting with our coaches <free of charge>

Schedule here

136. Finishing The Week Strong with the DSP

In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Tune into Loan Officer Leadership, hosted by Steve Kyles, as he is joined by Frank Garay, the mastermind behind The Breakfast Club. If you’re not listening to the Breakfast Club every Monday-Thursday from 8:30am to 9:00am to start your day right, register here for this free interactive zoom call with hundreds of LOs like you.

Steve and Frank finish up their discussion on the Daily Success Plan (DSP) and how to wrap up the week strong by implementing this pre-approved and looking strategy.

Every day has a theme for you to focus on in your prospecting efforts for an increase in production with less headaches. 

Monday – Thor’s Hammer

Tuesdays – Just Ask

Wednesday – Past Database

Thursdays – Pre-approved and Looking

These detailed strategies that are laid out in this podcast re-enforce daily disciplines that loan officers can put into action. 

If you’re ready to learn more about how to implement the DSP in your day-to-day business, schedule a call now to speak to a coach on our team. Completely free call.

135. Tackling It Head On…

Episode #135 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Steve and Frank Garay share great insight on this new episode of Loan Officer Leadership.

they discuss a topic that came up on The Breakfast Club, a new interactive zoom meeting run by Frank, that is open to all loan officers every Monday through Thursday at 8:30am EST. 

A loan officer who joined in on the conversation the other morning brought up the hurdle of going through a rough transaction from a “whale” that he had just built a relationship with. 

Tune in to hear Steve and Frank give a realistic and reliable process on how to tackle it head on by applying a method called VEI. What is VEI? Validate, Educate, Instruct. Listen in to learn more on how you can do this very same thing when and if this type of situation comes up in your mortgage business. 

Want to learn more ways to structure your team through anything you face? Jump on a FREE coaching call here.

134. Action Wins Over Inaction All Day Long

Episode #134 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

The best podcast in the country for successfully structuring your mortgage business, host Steve Kyles is joined by guest, Frank Garay. 

Frank starts by telling us all about the Loan Officer Breakfast Club, a new & highly popular zoom call that happens every Monday-Thursday at 8:30am, powered by the Mortgage Marketing Animals. On this free live and interactive coaching zoom, loan officers nationwide have access to the top industry leaders and what is working for today’s business. Find out more HERE. 

Steve and Frank go on to talk about the most asked questions from loan officers that they are hearing. Making your calls and being consistent is one of the most effective answers to so many of the questions being asked. 

Listen in to this encouraging episode where Steve continues to stress that “action wins over inaction all day long.”

Take action today by jumping on a FREE coaching call with one of our top strategists. Select a time HERE.

133. Handle Increased Production by Learning to Structure Your Business

In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Do you ever find yourself wondering how to get more referrals from your current customers? In this episode, Steve Kyles and Lindsay LaBonte, a 100+ million-dollar producer discuss what she is currently doing to grow her business more than 30% in two months.

Lindsay recently joined the Freedom Club after becoming exhausted with the chaos that came with the wrong processes in place as business increased. She was looking for structure and a 30-hour work week. She found joining this program and having a mortgage coach provided her all the necessary direction and tools to do just that. 

Tune in to hear how that placement of a structured plan and procedure is working to train her team so that she can ultimately focus on what brings in the leads. 

Put the Daily Success Plan into your workplace and grow your business the same way. Schedule your free coaching call here.

132. Keeping It Real with Video Marketing

Episode #132 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

Listen in to Loan Officer Leadership, the best podcast out there for loan officers wanting to better structure their mortgage business. 

Hear Steve Kyles and Carl White provide you with step-by-step guidance on how you can start video marketing today. You’ll learn what simple equipment is necessary, topic ideas you can use that is relevant to your audience, all while not worrying about what you look like or possible mistakes. 

Keeping it real will attract the right people.

We’ll give you our scripts & strategies on a one-on-one complimentary call. Schedule Here.