Scripts: How to Effectively Move Through a Closing – with Josh Sigman

Scripts: How to Effectively Move Through a Closing – with Josh Sigman

Episode #7 – Scripts: How to Effectively Move Through a Closing – with Josh Sigman. Josh Sigman and Steve Kyles spend this episode covering an effective plan to move closing dates when necessary. People, both agents and buyers, don’t often process through the desired closing date they are asking for.

Adhering to a desired closing date is better served when you, as the loan officer, seek to understand the purpose of the requested date. Sometimes buyers and agents really don’t care so much about the date, yet sometimes the desired closing date may be hinged on factors that must be adhered to.

Clearly communicating expectations to a client, prioritizing the need to close, and knowing these factors early on is paramount to avoid a poor customer experience.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting,