Goal setting 2019 with 4 USA Olympians and 1 Ninja Warrior

Goal setting 2019 with 4 USA Olympians and 1 Ninja Warrior

Episode #17 – Goals setting for 2019. HOW TO BREAK RECORDS. We dive in deep with 4 USA Olympians and 1 Ninja Warrior as they share strategies to help crush your goals with Steve Kyles & Johnny Holloway.

www.HAR290.com Jonathan Horton – 2 Time Olympian with 2 Olympic Medals.Chad Hedrick – 2 Time Olympian Gold Medalist with 5 Olympic Medals and a Realtor with EXPCammile Adams – 2 Time Olympian and USA Swim Captain Shannon Jones – Won hundreds of Medals in the Special Olympics in Basketball, bowling, swimming, and softball.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

The Right Activity. What to do & when to do it. (2 of 2)

The Right Activity. What to do & when to do it. (2 of 2)

Episode #16 – (Part 2 of 2) Steve Kyles and Jojo discuss doing the right activity each and every week. An average producer, does the right activity inconsistantly, a Breakthrough producter does the RIGHT activity CONSISTANTLY.

In this episode, we discuss what you should be doing each and every week to have a predictable business and consistently close mortgage loans. Steve and Jojo discuss how many call, break breads, face to face meeting, etc. are needed each week.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

The Right Activity. What to do & when to do it. (1 of 2)

The Right Activity. What to do & when to do it. (1 of 2)

Episode #15 – (Part 1 of 2) Steve Kyles and Jojo discuss doing the right activity each and every week. An average producer, does the right activity inconsistently, a Breakthrough producer does the RIGHT activity CONSISTANTLY.

In this episode, we discuss what you should be doing each and every week to have a predictable business and consistently close mortgage loans. Steve and Jojo discuss how many call, break breads, face to face meeting, etc are needed each week.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

Building a Predictable Business (2 of 2)

Building a Predictable Business (2 of 2)

Episode #14 – (Part 2 of 2) In this episode, Steve Kyles and Jojo discuss How to build a predictable business. Systems and structure allow you to have consistent and measurable results.

Learn what to do and how to do it. Tips and scripts on how to consistently prospect and explode your business. Mortgage loan officer proven strategies of top producers.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

Building a Predictable Business (1 of 2)

Building a Predictable Business (1 of 2)

Episode #13 – (Part 1 of 2) In this episode, Steve Kyles and Jojo discuss How to build a predictable business. Systems and structure allow you to have consistent and measurable results.

Learn what to do and how to do it. Tips and scripts on how to consistently prospect and explode your business. Mortgage loan officer proven strategies of top producers.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

Building your List

Building your List

Episode #12 – In this episode, Steve Kyles and Jojo discuss how to build targeted list. This will help you be more effective and make you more money.

Mortgage Loan Officers need to have a systematic approach to building and executing your business. This will help loan officers know who to target, who should be on the list and how to effectively target VIP’s. The right list will help you explode your business.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

Scripts: New Lead Call, the Perfect Outcome

Scripts: New Lead Call, the Perfect Outcome

Episode #11 – Scripts: New Lead Call, the Perfect Outcome. This podcast discusses how to set up your first call with a new lead, and how to achieve the perfect outcome – getting them to the next step of the loan process, which setting up the pre-approval appointment.

Things we talk about when setting up the call include building rapport, acknowledging the referral partner and more.

Additional topics include overcoming caller objections, which include helping callers understand the importance of a fast moving market and the importance of positioning themselves for such a large investment.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

Scripts: Objections to a 1st Realtor Meeting

Scripts: Objections to a 1st Realtor Meeting

Episode #10 – Scripts: Objections to a 1st Realtor Meeting. I make it my goal to call 40 of my top realtors every single Monday. In fact, a fellow loan officer holds me accountable, and if I don’t make all these calls, I have to drive 3 hours and wash his vehicle. Because I don’t want to do that, 40 calls are made by me every week.

In this episode we talk about how to overcome objections realtors will pose to a 1st meeting. The goals of a first call include, asking for a lead, scheduling and face-to-face meeting, plus more. Learning to overcome objections can really increase your relationships and your business.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

Prospecting: How to Build a Realtor Plan

Prospecting: How to Build a Realtor Plan

Episode #9 – Prospecting, How to Build a Realtor Plan. In this episode we discuss how to effectively maintain the right realtor relationships, who to contact, and how to take your relationships to the next step by asking them for a lead and inviting them to an event.

I give you a step-by-step tactical approach for the right people to target, when to contact them and what to say.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com

Scripts: How to Maintain Proper Buyer Expectations – with Josh Sigman

Scripts: How to Maintain Proper Buyer Expectations – with Josh Sigman

Episode #8 – Scripts: How to Maintain Proper Buyer Expectations – with Josh Sigman. In this episode, Josh Sigman and Steve Kyles discuss the best practices for setting and maintaining a buyer’s expectations through the entire mortgage transaction.

Topics covered include under promising and over-delivering, selling the terms, walking the client through income, assets and credits, and making a buyer feel confident about you navigating them through the mortgage process. Also, it’s best to remember that you need to remind clients, throughout the process, of the things discussed at the beginning.

Are you interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours)? Set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, www.FreedomPlanningCall.com