130. ‘Just Ask’ – A Highly Effective Strategy

Episode #130 – In this episode of the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast:

The top podcast for loan officers looking to better structure their business, Steve Kyles and Mike Cardascia continue their series on how to put the Daily Success Plan into motion.

This episode clarifies what Tuesday is all about. At Mortgage Marketing Animals, we call this strategy ‘Just Ask’, which is used to give all parties in the loan transaction updates with a simple, yet highly effective form of communication – talking. You are a welcoming form of communication that they want to hear from. It shows them that you care about the level of expertise you are providing for both them and their clients. This leads to an open dialogue for you to JUST ASK.  

Find out in this episode what magic questions are proven to get 30% more business on top of your continued growth if this is done correctly and consistently.

Want the script to put this into action? Go to FreedomPlanningCall.com and we will help you put this plan into place for you.