324. Navigating Rate Shoppers: Here’s a Surprising Strategy

Welcome to Loan Officer Leadership, your #1 podcast for Loan Officers who are looking for structure and success.

In this episode, your hosts, Steve Kyles and Carl White delve into the common challenge faced by loan officers: handling rateshoppers.

Steve and Carl provide unexpected yet effective strategies for dealing with rate shoppers who present their third Loan Estimate.

Tune in now and equip yourself with the tools you need to succeed in today’s competitive mortgage market.

Discover actionable insights on what to do, what to say, and how to navigate these situations with confidence and professionalism.

Ready to implement these strategies in your business? Schedule a consultation with Steve at www.FreedomPlanningCall.com today!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Loan Officer Leadership Podcast so you’ll never miss an episode!

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